If you save your notes and the new notes don't show up, you may need to Refresh or Reload
your browser. Your school network may also use a server which stores the old page and
so you may need to check your new notes page the following day.
If you registered under the wrong ZIP code,
Click Here
If you forgot your password,
Click Here
To Add Your Name to the View Notes directory,
Click Here.
Please review more answers below:
1. What is SchoolNotes.com?
SchoolNotes.com is the leading resource for linking educators to the community.
SchoolNotes.com provides individual teachers
and school organizations a simple-to-use tool for placing homework and other
school information on the Internet without having to worry about
programming or any other complicated means for posting information
on the world-wide-web.
As a free
community service, SchoolNotes.com increases opportunities for families to be more
involved in their
children's learning while facilitating family-school-community partnerships
which strengthen education through improved communication.
2. Does SchoolNotes.com provide school websites?
No. SchoolNotes.com provides web pages for individuals. SchoolNotes.com
complements school web sites by adding
the capability for individuals to post information on the web at any time without
anyone else having to get involved. Most schools do not have this capability
today. School websites can link directly to
individual's information on SchoolNotes.com.
3. How much does it cost?
SchoolNotes.com is a free community service made possible through the
generous support of education underwriters.
3b. Do schools and/or teachers need to help with seeking local sponsors?
No. Copernicus Interactive, Inc. is responsible for securing education underwriters.
3c. What are the hidden costs?
There are no hidden costs for the community to use SchoolNotes.com and there are
no plans to charge a service fee in the future.
4. Who should use SchoolNotes.com?
SchoolNotes.com is meant to be used by teachers, parents, and
students to communicate school related information. Teachers are the primary creators of
individual notes pages. Student groups and school organizations such as PTA's also use the
5. Who owns SchoolNotes.com?
SchoolNotes.com is owned by Copernicus Interactive, Inc.
6. When did SchoolNotes.com begin?
A market trial for SchoolNotes.com began in September of 1997
with general availability introduced in August of 1998.
7. How can I get started?
Teachers and other individuals that wish to post school related
information must first register for an account and password by clicking on
on the SchoolNotes.com Home Room page.
Parents and students wishing to view notes can do so immediately by clicking on
"View Notes" and entering their school zip code.
8. I teach multiple classes, can I have more than one account?
Yes. Teachers may set up separate accounts for each class if they wish.
9. How can I delete/cancel my account?
The "Account Administration"
section can be accessed off of the SchoolNotes.com Home Room page. Simply login to your
account and select "delete".
10. Can I change my password?
Yes. The "Account Administration"
section can be accessed on the SchoolNotes.com Home Room page that will allow
you to change your password and also add a "Password Reminder".
11. Do I need any special software to use SchoolNotes.com?
No. All that is needed is a standard web browser, such as those
provided by Netscape, Microsoft, AOL, and others.
12. Can I access SchoolNotes.com from home?
Yes. SchoolNotes.com can be accessed from home, work, school, the
library, or any place that has Internet access.
13. How do I change my notes?
Simply click on
"Create Notes"
on the SchoolNotes.com Home Room page and login. You can then make
changes to your information and then save it.
14. I have saved my notes but when I view them they don't appear to be changed. Why?
If you go to your notes page and it does not appear to have your new notes, you may need to
click on "Reload or Refresh" at the top of your browser to
load your new page of notes.
15. Can I add pictures/images to my notes?
At this time we do not support the uploading of pictures/images
directly to your notes page.
If you know HTML you can point to an
image or graphic on another server and insert the proper code so that it
will appear in your School Notes page.
16. Can I copy notes that I already typed in a word processor?
Yes! You can copy and paste text right into your notes input box. This is
helpful if you want to spell-Check your notes first. Clip-art and special
fonts will not be copied, only text. Also, some browsers, such as AOL, may
not support the paste function and you should try using CONTROL-V (holding down
the "Ctrl key and then pressing the "V" key) to paste.
17. Can I use SchoolNotes.com to post homework assignments?
Definitely. Homework assignments, weekly study topics,
calendars of events, spelling words, reading lists, and other
school information can easily be posted and be accessed at any
time by parents and students. You can even print your notes and give them to
students that don't have access to the Internet.
18. Can I add links to web sites of interest?
Yes. Simply login to "Create Notes" and then click on "Add/Edit Links" to page down
to the bottom and you will
find a form to add your favorite links. Make sure you go back up and Save your notes
after you add the links.
19. How many parents and students have access to the Internet?
Many people can access the Internet from work and more and more families are
gaining access from home. A simple show of hands at a PTA meeting would give
you some idea of the percentage of families with access from work or home in
your community. In some communities, more than half of the people can access
the Internet from home or work.
20. How do I let my community know my school notes are online?
A survey of teachers using SchoolNotes.com indicated the following ways for
letting the community know your notes are online:
- Distribute a written notice
- Via newsletters
- At PTA meetings
- Marquee outside the building
- Via email to parents
- Simply told my students and they told their parents
- A link off of our school website
- Webaddress is written on chalkboard
- At parent conferences
- Photocopied the printed SchoolNotes and sent home
21. Are there guidelines for information that is posted on SchoolNotes.com?
Yes. Please read our
Page Content Guidelines and Member Terms of Service
prior to placing information on SchoolNotes.com.
22. How do I find my teacher's notes?
Click on
"View Notes"
on the SchoolNotes.com Home Room page and enter your school's zipcode. Notes pages
are listed by last name. If your teacher is not found, let them know about
Also, each teacher's notes page has a unique web address that will not change. This
web address can be book-marked. Some teachers write this address on their blackboards and
also send it home in newsletters, etc. Please remember that the teachers notes page
address will always end in ".html".
23. Does SchoolNotes.com have an information privacy statement?
Yes. To view our Privacy Statement, please visit the
Privacy Statement page.
24. How do I change my email address?
Click on "Create Notes" and login. Then page down the form and locate the Email field and
modify the field with your new email address. Then go back up and re-enter your password
and click "Save".
25. How do I change my school name?
Click on "Create Notes" and login. Then click on "Email" to page down the form and
locate the school information field(s) and
modify the field(s) with the new information. Then go back up and re-enter your password
and click "Save".
26. I registered using the wrong school zipcode. How do I change my zip code?
The only way to change your zip code is to re-register a new account under the desired
zip code. Once you have set up your new account, you should login to your old
account via "Account Administration"
off of the SchoolNotes.com Home Room page and delete your old account.
27. Who do we notify if we find a notes page that shouldn't be there?
If you find a notes page which was either created by mistake or which you believe does not
follow our Page Content Guidelines and Member Terms of Service,
you can notify the author and ask them to delete the page using the "Account Administration"
feature found on the SchoolNotes.com Home Room page, or you can send an email to
help@schoolnotes.com and include the zipcode and account name.
28. Is there any way I can underline, bold, or italicize some of my text?
Yes! To underline some text, insert <U> before it and </U> after it.
To bold some text, insert <B> before it and </B> after it.
To italicize some text, insert <I> before it and </I> after it.
For example: To underline this sentence I would type it as follows:
<U>To underline this sentence I would type it as follows:</U>
29. Is there any way I can use Subscripts and Superscripts in my notes?
Yes! To Subscript some text, insert <SUB> before it and </SUB> after it.
To Superscript some text, insert <SUP> before it and </SUP> after it.
The following sample will render like this:
30. How can I add a division sign into my SchoolNotes page in my flashcards?
One way is to highlight this symbol ÷ and then paste it into your School Notes page
where you want it to appear.
For a general overview of SchoolNotes.com,
For specific help in using SchoolNotes.com,
please CLICK HERE.
Thanks and enjoy the service!